Friday, November 21, 2014

Clash of Clans: Building further - 2 months of an Alt.

Haven't checked in for a while, continuing to build and get stronger!
Like most people I go through phases where I am more interested in playing certain games, watching movies or TV shows, reading, etc. However, Clash of Clans has had the ability to stay at the forfront of my entertainment attention for quite some time - I haven't checked in on here in almost a month (sorry about that) but I have continued to keep both my main and alternate Clash of Clans accounts up to date - and our clan is currently enjoying a Clan War winning streak of 12!

First up is the Alternate account. Last we checked in we had just moved up to Level 7, but now we are knee deep. I'm conentrating on getting my Elixer collectors and Gold Mines up to max right now but have tried to not neglect my offense or defense in the process. I have fully maxed the Army Camps and all of the Barracks are 1 level below max (Healer level, I'll do Dragon level on each before moving to TH Level 8) I've also gotten almost all of the Research in the Lab done for this level (Barb, Arch, Giant, Goblin, Balloon, Wizard, Healer and Shock Spell - doing Heal spell now and then just need to finish Rage spell). On the defensive side I've maxed the Wizard towers and am currently maxing the last 2 mortars. I also have one Air Defense max and the other 1 level below, all the Archers and Cannons are one level below max and I've built both Teslas and upgrade 1 to level 2. I built the Dark Elixer storage and have acrued some Dark but not enough to build the Barbarian King just yet - hopefully I will by early December. 
Over on the main base we're getting quite strong for TH Level 8. On the Offense we've maxed Army Camps, 3/4 Barracks 1/2 Dark Barracks (the remaining Barrack and Dark Barracks are maxing now) and we've done Barbarian, Armcher, Giant, Wizard, Shock Spell and Rage Spell to level 5, Dragons and Healers to level 3, PEEKA to level 2 and am currently working on Heal Spell level 5. Goblins and Wall Breakers are on level 4 and Balloons are level 3 (I rarely use them). Defensively I have maxed Mortars (all 4) Wizard Towers, Air Defenses and Cannons. All the Archer Towers are one level below max (9) and I have all three Hidden Teslas upgrading to level 4 & 5. My Barbarian King is at LEVEL 9! I'm anxiously awaiting being able to move him up to Level 10 for his ability to get upgraded. Shortly after I will probably start thinking about moving up to Town Hall Level 9!

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