Saturday, September 6, 2014

Clash of Clans: Building an Alt. - A week later.

We are preparing to move to Lvl 5 and for our first Clan War with this account!

This is the screenshot from last time, not much has changed layout-wise but we've done quite a few upgrades.
We upgraded the barracks and unlocked Balloons (which I will likely not use at this low level), upgraded our storages, some defenses and the last army camp. Also we've kept the lab churning and just have Balloon research left. We're scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as TH lvl 4 upgrades go, especially since we upgraded our walls completely so I started the TH lvl 5 upgrade that should be done by tomorrow! After that we'll get several new things, most notably the Wizard Tower!

The Clan leader called the weekend war, this will be my first with this account (I'm also a higher level account in the clan though so I've done many wars before). I setup my Clan War Base to protect the defenses and Town Hall over resources, then spaced the extra stuff to have more space between drop zones and walls. This account is #14 in our clan and is about on par with the other clan's #14 - hopefully I can 3 Star their #15 at least with this account! Looking at their #7 and #8 with my main account (which is 6 days away from Town Hall Lvl 8, and I've almost maxed everything for TH Lvl 7!)

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